Thursday 28 August 2008

To Hobbes Survivour 1996-2008

We were packing for another summer holiday when Osiris, my cat-soulmate gave me the look "they are coming". Seemed as though she was hurrying to have her kittens before we left for holidays. Usually i would help her with labour but we were in a hurry to leave, so i left her there giving her one last kiss in her swallon tummy.

She had 5 beautiful kittens but only one survived.
And for his well being she aet the other 4.

We came back a week later and i carried religiously the new single from my favourite band that summer, ash, angel interceptor.
We named our lovely new born Hobbes Survivour".

Last night he gave his soul to the saviour.

We will miss you. Your sweetness and strong character.


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